Monday, 10 September 2012

[pakgrid] PhD scholarships in Engineering & Medical, KAIST, Korea


Scholarship for Masters and PhD in Medical Science and Engineering at world top ranked university KAIST,South Korea for Spring, 2013

Last Date to apply is :26 September, 2012, apply before it as you have to send documents too, read below for details

The Masters and PhD Scholarship opportunities at Medical Science & Engineering at a top ranking university, KAIST( Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology), South Korea for Spring, 2013.

The admission criteria of KAIST is tough and requires good competitive students as it one of the top ranked universities, so studying there gives your career high boost.

Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering is only open to applicants with a bachelor's degree (for M.S.-Ph.D. integrated) and a bachelor's degree and master's degree (for Ph.D.) from Medical, Dental or Oriental Medicine School. The applicants must submit an original or certified copy of medical license. See this link for details

KAIST Scholarship

(i) Admission & tuition fee are exempted

(ii) 300,000 KRW (300 $) per month by university, (Except this amount, the professor offers amount which varies usually normally starts from 300 $)

(iii) The health insurance covered by department or professor.

Last Dates to Apply

The dates are still remaining, I am sharing it before so that you can prepare yourself for it, such as English Proficiency tests i.e., IELETS, TOEIC, TOEFL

Last date to apply: The online application starts from September 3, 2012 to September, 26,2012.

The online system will open at September 3, so you cannot apply before it, so prepare your all given documents before it.

See this webpage in detail:

One Bottleneck: You have to pay the application fee of 50 $ or 50,000 KRW (KRW is Korean currency)The methods to submit it are following

(i) Use credit card

(ii) Use some friend in Korea to submit it on your behalf

(iii) Use Dollar East or any other company of dealing in foreign currency exchange, who pays at your behalf

(iv) Make foreign account in any bank and then pay using it.

Requirements to apply

You can easily see it in details on this webpage:

But the things mostly are degrees, recommendation letters, No financial statement is required if you apply for KAIST scholarship, proof or identity documents, English proficiency score, etc. You can check more on above link.

But the thing, I want to say is that

English scores are necessary as they require it, it is very rare chance that your English Proficiency certificate from parent university works, so do IELETS, TOEFL or even TOEIC (I hear , it is easy as taken by NTS) and IELETS 5.5 is enough.

The competition here is very high, so be competitive, so have good CGPA, or publications)

Tips to apply for Scholarship

(i) First of all, I will write down some general techniques, which should be used as these techniques will help you to find the professor before admission and your chances of admission increase

BUT in case, you dun get reply from professor, using the given below techniques, then still apply, as there is a chance still as these scholarship dun require PRE-Professor recommendation, so if you get in contact with the professor before using given below techniques, then well and good, but if not, then apply without it.

Optional TipsFirst of all, you should search relevant professors of your choice and research interest. Then you should make a tailored made CV according to the interest of those relevant professors and send him/her that CV along with a short email stating your introduction and show your interest that you want to do master/Ph.D under his/her supervision. (Warnings: Do not do it haphazardly, just target one professor, whom work is relevant to your previous works or studies and do read again and again your CV and cover letter again and again, Be brief and to the point, check the professor relevancy with your previous studies, by using google and checking his publications or his website)

(Most Important warning: Do not include, your status of married or single or NIC card number in CV, no one needs it, dun include just internships /experiences names just, include the TECHNICAL details of work that you have done , rather than just names of internships/experiences. Also do not just include degrees such as bachelors/masters name, include also your explanation about grip of subjects /projects details also)

If a professor shows interest it means almost you have 99% chances that your admission is confirmed.

So, first of all, you should try to find "Faculty" => Professors profiles on the university website. Then what you have to do is:

1. Read all your major professors profiles, research interests and projects. (You can also find the research interests of professors by finding on Google their published research papers)

2. Make your CV research oriented and also easily readable and good looking. (Also according to the professor you choose to apply. Relate your previous work plus final year project with that professor's work and show him your interest in his work)

3. Write an email. (Please be short in writing email, as professor has not so much times to read it fully just write main but few sentences)

4. Send your email and CV to as many professors as you can (keep in mind only interested professors may reply you, so don't be disappointed)

Note: If you are interested in any specific professor and he/she does not reply you then you must contact him/her by" telephone". Please keep in mind that many professors do not reply, so in that case, you must contact him/her by telephone.

Maybe if you face some trouble while opening Korean website then please installs "Korean" language pack. Also always open the Korean websites on Internet explorer and install google toolbar on it, to use google translator to translate whole page on it.


So, you can use above guide to increase your chances of admission before, but if you DO NOT get reply from any professor, then do not worry, just apply without it, as reply from professor is not necessary for admissions here and Korean professors reply less and I hope you will get the admissions.

This scholarship is for both Masters and PhD for Spring, 2013

Please see the details at:

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