Tuesday 31 July 2012

[pakgrid] PhD Scholarships in Neuroscience, Brain Technologies, IIT, UNIGE, Italy


PhD Scholarships in Neuroscience & Brain Technologies at combined Italian School of Technology (IIT) and University of Genova (UNIGE), Italy


This scholarship is shared by two Institutes in Genova city of Italy, one is University of Genova and other is Italian Institute of Technology, IIT at School of Life and Humanoid Technologies.

The themes of the Doctoral Course on Neuroscience & Brain Technologies have been defined by the


 Presynaptic disorders in a model of human hereditary epilepsy

Optogenetically driven homeostatic plasticity in epileptogenesis

Development and application of opto-neural interfaces and prosthetic devices based on organic electronics (2 positions available)

Investigating the inhibitory-excitatory balance in neuronal networks by multi-modal electrophysiological imaging

Cellular determinants of brain circuit development and wiring

Presynaptic targeting of optogenetic probes

Characterization of the neurodynamics of in vitro engineered networks to be interfaced with computational artificial systems

Alpha-synuclein interaction with the plasma membrane of neurons.

Two-photon holographic microscopy for the optical dissection of cortical networks

Modeling and simulations of optogenetic probes to modulate gene expression and neuronal excitability

Cellular and synaptic mechanisms of lesion-driven plasticity in cortical circuits in vivo

Role of cell-type specific cortical connectivity in circuit functioning and plasticity

Study of cognitive dysfunctions relevant to schizophrenia in mice

Cognitive Impairment in Polyglutamine Diseases

Transcription dysregulation in motor neuron diseases

Neuronal circuit integration in the physiology and pathophysiology of action control



Scholarship Positions: 17 positions

Scholarship Amount

The scholarship amount is normally about 1300 Euros per month, it can be increased, but not sure yet.

Tuition fee and registration fee are exempted.

Last Date to Apply: 21 September, 2012.



The main requirements can be read at this web address:


But main thing is that, there is no specific requirement of IELETS, the English proficiency certificate from previous university can work.

How to apply: How to apply can be found out on this web link :


Where to apply: Online application: http://servizionline.unige.it/studenti/post-laurea/dottorato

Also check this link: http://www.studenti.unige.it/postlaurea/dottorati/xxviiiciclo/IITen


For more details

Main page: http://www.studenti.unige.it/postlaurea/dottorati/xxviiiciclo/IITen

The project pages and online applying pages are on the webpages given above

With Best Regards





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