Jobs/ Research Grants in the field of Signal/Video Processing, Data Fusion, and Pattern Recognition and telecommunications at University of Genova, Genova, Italy
The 7 research grants or jobs are available to work in collaboration with University of Genova, Signal Processing ISIP40 lab, Italy and renowned companies such as Sylex, Technoware etc. in Genova, Italy.
This is job for initially one year, which can be renewed up to 2 years. You can be Master degree holder to be eligible for this job and you will have chance to enroll in PhD also for next year and can win a grant to work on PhD in university.
*****You can also apply if you have Bachelor Degree and have good experience in the below, mentioned areas
The research areas and topics are given below and you should be good in those areas for application:
Applications are invited for 7 Research Grant open position
The ISIP40 group, active in the DIBE department in the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Genoa has focused its attention mostly on:
1. Multidimensional Signal/Video Processing
2. Multi sensor Data Fusion
3. Bio-inspired adaptive and evolving Pattern Recognition methods for Analysis and Decision
4. Cognitive Distributed Systems for Telecommunications and Physical Security
These available research grants are sponsored by the Regione Liguria and the research activities will be developed together with companies and research districts of the region. Each research grant, starting at the beginning of April 2013, will last 1 year but it can be renewed for a total of 2 years.
Application submission
Deadline for applying:
The interested applicants please contact us not later than December 31, 2012.
How to apply?
The application is divided into two phases.
In the first (informal) phase the interested applicants should send their complete CV , two recommendation letters and the preferred research topic (see below) to Lucio Marcenaro, e-mail: or lucio[DOT]marcenaro[AT]unige[DOT]it
Received CVs will be considered by ISIP40 research group and the candidates whose CV fits with available grants research topics, will be encouraged to proceed with the official application at the Genoa University - deadline 08-02-2013.
A complete C.V. must contain at least the education degrees and the related information, experiences (both academic and non-academic), projects, list of publications, and every other things you think can be useful.
If you have not graduated yet, provide some information about the probable graduation date.
If you have some publications, you can also send some of the important ones together with your CV.
You can also send any other information that you think can be useful and effective for your profile.
Important dates
31-12-2012 (pre-application) send your CV, two recommendation letters and the preferred research topic (see below) to Lucio Marcenaro, e-mail:; lucio[DOT]marcenaro[AT]unige[DOT]it
10-01-2013 notification of pre-evaluation results: potential candidates will be informed whether their CV fits with one of the available research grants, thus encouraged to proceed with the official application:
08-02-2013 candidates who passed the first pre-evaluation phase must send their official application via standard ground mail to the University of Genoa
March 2013 official applicants' interviews
April, 1st 2013 research grants start
Research grants topics
RG1: Signal processing, transmission and fusion for security in maritime scenarios (Automatic target recognition from infrared and SAR images)
Research District:DLTM
Topic:The research project is focused on the study and development of novel methodologies for signal processing, transmission and fusion based on information and communication technologies (ICT). Main research field involves problems of sensing, processing and transmission of multimedia signals. Possible application fields of this research are represented by safety and security, critical infrastructures protection, and, from a methodological pint of view, multimedia signal processing. Research will deal with processing, understanding and transmission of heterogeneous data in maritime scenarios. The main objective of the research activity of this grant is to study, develop and test efficient algorithms for recognizing and detecting objects from infrared and synthetic aperture radar images in terrestrial, maritime and aerial scenarios. The researcher will study and analyze from a quantitative point of view the performances of proposed algorithms by using both synthetic and real data
RG2: Signal processing, transmission and fusion for security in maritime scenarios (Image and video compression for low bit-rate unreliable link transmissions)
Research District:DLTM
Topic: The research project is focused on the study and development of novel methodologies for signal processing, transmission and fusion based on information and communication technologies (ICT). Main research field involves problems of sensing, processing and transmission of multimedia signals. Possible application fields of this research are represented by safety and security, critical infrastructures protection, and, from a methodological pint of view, multimedia signal processing. Research will deal with processing, understanding and transmission of heterogeneous data in maritime scenarios. The objective of the research activity is the study, development and test of image and video compression techniques. Proposed compression algorithms must allow information streaming over low bit-rate unreliable link. Researcher will analyze from a qualitative and quantitative point of view achieved performances by varying selected approaches and transmission link features.
RG3: Signal processing, transmission and fusion for security in maritime scenarios (Artificial cognitive system for decision support)
Research District:DLTM
Topic: This project considers the study and development of novel data fusion techniques, able to support and improve tactical scenarios understanding in order to highlight potential anomalies with respect to the standard behaviors that are modeled through simulation scenarios and pre-recorded sensorial experiences. The system will be characterized by the capability to acquire heterogeneous trajectories related with multiple external objects (e.g. unidentified target detection, suspicious behavior of nearby boats, movement of people not belonging to the crew of the guarded ship) or with the state of shipâs parts or its crew (internal state of the engines, navigation track, crew members position, correct functioning of boatâs parts). The research carried out in this project will study and develop an integrated cognitive system for scenario analysis and decision support that will be greatly inspired by neuro-physiologic studies.
RG4: Modular System for signaling dangerous situations (Development of wireless sensors network based radio-localization techniques and algorithms)
Company: Leonardo Sistemi Integrati
Research District:SIIT Scpa
Topic: Final purpose of the research is to study and develop basic elements of a Modular System for signaling dangerous situations, that is made up by several connected subsystems, to be used for a complete monitoring of the area where a search and rescue operation is being conducted by specialized teams. The system as a whole will be able to alert human operators in case of unforeseen danger (structural damage caused by an earthquake, instantaneous flooding, etc.). Research theme related to this grant is focused on the study and development of efficient and robust radio-localization algorithms based on wireless sensor networks. Radio localization problem is still nowadays unresolved in a general unconstrained environment. State-of-the-art system performances are not sufficient for ensuring the precision level that is needed for a search and rescue operation in critical environment.
RG5: Study and development of cognitive surveillance modules (Automatic classification and recognition of moving subjects)
Company: TechnoAware srl
Research District:SIIT Scpa
Topic: By considering the current state of the art in automatic video-surveillance systems, it can be noticed that main research efforts were spent on detection. Typically, the security operator would prefer to filter alarms by only focusing to a certain kind of objects (e.g., pedestrians) as in many cases the dangerous behavior is directly related with that. Even if the best detection algorithms are used during the video analysis process, several incorrect alarms are due to other moving objects but considered as annoying false alarms by the human operator. Classification can be seen as the process of organizing acquired data in such a way to find out main discriminating features and describe them as simple as possible. Selected features can be compared to available templates and the classification task can be carried out on the basis of objects appearances. Neural networks can be also used for objects classification: SVMs, SOMs, etc. have been successfully used for classification purposes.
RG6: Study and development of cognitive surveillance modules (Automatic tracking of moving subjects in crowded scenes using video sensors)
Company: TechnoAware srl
Research District:SIIT Scpa
Topic: One of the major problems of moving objects tracking from video sensors is represented by the analysis of cluttered scenes. If a crowded scene is considered, many objects are moving within the guarded environment and strong interactions among them are possible. Objectsâ trajectories can cross and separate, thus causing an high complexity for target identification maintenance. In several consecutive frames, a specific object can be hidden from the camera point of view. Different solutions have been proposed in the state of the art: for example, a multi-sensor system can be used for solving occluded situations. Multi-hypotheses non-linear filters, such particle filters, represent an interesting and novel approach for solving the problem of tracking under heavy occlusions. However this approach need further research as it is not ready yet to be applied in a commercial video analytic product.
RG7: Security-Privacy-Dependability of wireless communication with environmental complexity or intentional threats (Definition and implementation of a threat/countermeasure cognitive decision maker)
Company: Selex Elsag SpA
Research District:SIIT Scpa
Topic: The main objective of this activity is to develop telecommunication systems modules that are flexible, dynamic and able to learn from experience. These modules are inspired by human reasoning principles and are able to allow interactive and personalized services. A promising paradigm is represented by Cognitive Radio. The main difference with respect to the other technologies is that radio equipment are being enriched with intelligence and adaptability features, in such a way they can adapt to the different situations without any external operator action. Decision processes are considered within information science research field since several years, mainly in the context of artificial intelligence. However, several learning and decision algorithms already implemented cannot be easily adapted to the limited resources of the mobile wireless terminals. For these reasons, learning and decision algorithms suitable for wireless communications devices are still being investigated.
For more details: see this link:
With Best Regards
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