Funding opportunities for short and exchange visits (1st call 2012)
ESF-APE-INV (a project on Academic Patenting in Europe) offers grants for either short stays or exchange visits at European universities and public research organizations, for researchers working on empirical projects related to academic patenting and/or analysis of patents at the inventor's level.
Applications for 2012 can be now submitted, preferably before November 30, 2011, as the selection will take place by December 15, 2011.
It is expected to offer 5 grants for short stays (max 15 days), of around 1300 euro each; and 2 grants for longer visits (max 4 months), of around 4000 euro each.
Both types of grants will cover exclusively travel & accommodation expenses (on the basis of per diem allowances).
Participation is open to all those who wish to contribute to develop and evaluate innovative data quality algorithms and tools for improving the quality of databases on Academic Patenting in Europe.
The grants can be spent at any institution in any country among those represented in the Steering Committee of the ESF-APE-INV project so far (http://www.esf-ape-inv.eu/index.php?page=2).
At this stage of the ESF-APE-INV project, special consideration will be given to proposals involving substantial work on:
- Create/apply/test innovative data quality solutions to improve the APE-INV database
- Improve name disambiguation and data quality of the APE-INV database
- Retrieval/cleaning of scientists' data (e.g. by exploiting new crawler/wrapper approach), and/or harmonization of related info on academic ranks and disciplines;
- Entity resolution algorithms and tools for linking existing datasets on academic patents;
- Exploratory analysis of existing datasets on academic patents or inventor-based patent data (e.g. citation analysis, network analysis, open linked data).
More information on the ESF-APE-INV project can be gathered by visiting the official website (www.academicpatenting.eu).
Applications must be submitted to the project's coordinator, Michele Pezzoni (michele.pezzoni@unibocconi.it) and the technical manager Andrea Maurino(andrea.maurino@unimib.it), together with the appropriate documentation, as follows:
Short visits
- Short description of the proposed project work ( around 250 words)
- Curriculum vitae of two A4 pages
- Full address details of the prospective host(s)
- Proposed starting date
- Estimated travel costs
Exchange visits
- Short description of the proposed project work (?1000 words)
- Curriculum vitae of two A4 pages
- List of five most recent publications
- Letter of recommendation
- Letter of acceptance from the host at the receiving institution
- Full address details of the host(s)
- Proposed starting date
- Estimated travel costs
Successful candidates will be asked to provide the same information online to ESF shortly after receiving a reply from the project coordinator (with instructions for the online procedure).
Applications deemed valuable, but rejected for lack of funds will be given priority in future calls. All applicants will be invited to further ESF-APE-INV activities (the running period of the project is four years, and will close in mid-2013)
For informal enquiries, please email Andrea Maurino (maurino@disco.unimib.it) with subject: APE-INV 2012 grant
Dr. Muhammad Ahtisham Aslam
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Systems
Faculty of Computing and Informatin Technology
King Abdul Aziz University
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Phone: 00966-563-321977
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