On 18/06/2013 10:32 PM, Ammar Jaffri wrote:
Dear Saad Zafar,
Agreed but answer is in ' Cyber Security Policy ' of Pakistan. As you
know we are already working on a draft policy under PISA and I believe
all possible resource persons ( Cyber Security Pakistani Professionals
irrespective of where they are living ) may contribute in this effort.
Suggestios/comments from all stakeholders are requested please
Ammar Jaffri
On 2013-06-17 22:59, Saad Zafar wrote:
> Dear Ayaz,
> Strange argument (ref bottom line in your email).
> The bottom line is PRIVACY. Most of us living under colonial rule for
> centuries confuse privacy with secrecy. Enlightened and free people
> value privacy. We all know what goes around in the privacy of our
> bedrooms but we would not like to share the details with everyone. It
> is not a secret but it is matter of privacy. We must fight to protect
> our privacy, which many value as a basic human right.
> Saad
> -------------------------
> FROM: Ayaz <ayaza75@hotmail.com>
> TO: pakgrid@yahoogroups.com
> SENT: Monday, June 17, 2013 4:34 AM
> SUBJECT: Re: [pakgrid] PRISM Effect and personal privacy
> Of course we love to jump on any and all news and misinterpret and/or
> misrepresent it according to a authoritarian role that we invisage
> governments to hold.
> In order to understand the discussion, one needs to understand the
> emphasis that different societies hold for individual freedoms and
> the
> role that privacy, whether from governmental agencies or ones family
> members or friends, is valued by those societies.
> Google and facebook have stated that any access that may have been
> provided would be in aggregate form and specific access would require
> speanas or other legal decrees. The press loves to throw around
> sweeping statements - press and its generalities cannot be basis for
> coming to judgements.
> Bottomline: unless and except for those who are planning attacks and
> sharing bomb making/exploding info online, others really have little
> to fear from any of this. Afterall there are many intermediaries that
> we all share our info with - the ISP, Google, Microsoft (through its
> operating system/browser and automatic updates), skype etc. In each
> case, our info such as banking etc is somehow shared with one of
> these
> firms directly and passes through their servers or databases.
> However,
> that does not mean that all these intermediaries will access your
> bank
> accounts or otherwise act upon many other personal/professional
> details.
> India and UAE were also engaged with blackberry a while back to have
> access to sensitive data accessed within their countries.
> This practice is not so novel - it need not be problem.
> Ayaz
> On 16/06/2013 6:24 PM, Zeeshan Ali Shah wrote:
>> We at PDC-HPC , KTH took it as an opportunity. Due to PRISM we see
>> spike in Private in National cloud offerings.
>> We have even rolled out a dedicated fund for Swedish national
>> infrastructure for Cloud , in collaboration with other Nordic
>> countries.
>> --
>> Regards
>> Zeeshan Ali Shah
>> System Administrator - PDC HPC
>> PhD researcher (IT security)
>> Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan
>> +46 8 790 9115
>> http://www.pdc.kth.se/members/zashah [2]
>> On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Mushtaq Ahmad
>> <Mushtaq_ahmad@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Billions of people around the globe use Internet and social media
>>> websites for free and frank opinion surveys, all sorts of discussions
>>> about many aspects of human life and other matters with the belief
>>> and conviction that these messages sent on the Wi Fi will not be
>>> revealed to anybody else except the recipients. Yes! it will effect
>>> the research project of cloud computing and many other vital research
>>> groups around who share vital information and data related to the
>>> research projects through the Cloud Services Providers over the
>>> Internet. This revelation is very dangerous for IT users across the
>>> world. The silent majority has to ponder about it, with maturity and
>>> serious consideration to find the ways and means to stop it.
>>> This shocking news by the Washington Post has shattered the
>>> confidence of general public around the world. There was also some
>>> recent discussion that the Internet and all the social media and
>>> otherweb applications were under the control of USA IT agencies and
>>> they can manipulate with them, the way they want and any time they
>>> want without any questions asked. There was also some discussions
>>> that the processing of all sorts of websites and all the matters
>>> related to Internet should be brought under the control of a neutral
>>> agency supervised by the United Nation. This body should be
>>> represented by the IT experts of all the members of the United
>>> Nation. The influence of USA secret agencies should be completely
>>> neutralized.
>>> The doctrine of checking and elimination of foreign terrorists
>>> outside USA also needs to be impartially studied for revision.
>>> One can ask the vital question: Has the USA secret agencies
>>> succeeded in elimination of local terrorism, reported almost on daily
>>> basis in the news media in USA, which has killed and killed more US
>>> citizens as compared to foreign terrorists since 9/11?
>>> All the best wishes
>>> -------------------------
>>> To: pakgrid@yahoogroups.com
>>> From: ashiq.anjum@cern.ch
>>> Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 12:17:36 +0000
>>> Subject: [pakgrid] PRISM Effect on Cloud Computing
>>> The Washington Post recently reported on a secret government
>>> program to snoop Internet data, named PRISM. How will this revelation
>>> impact the cloud computing world and could it put a damper on cloud
>>> adoption?
>>> Last week, the Obama administration found itself embroiled in
>>> another pair of scandals. First, on Wednesday, The Guardian reported
>>> that the NSA has been collecting the call records of millions of
>>> Verizon customers (later reports say that AT&T and Sprint Nextel are
>>> also involved). On Friday, The Washington Post upped the ante and
>>> reported that "the National Security Agency and the FBI are tapping
>>> directly into the central servers of nine leading U.S. Internet
>>> companies, extracting audio and video chats, photographs, e-mails,
>>> documents, and connection logs that enable analysts to track foreign
>>> targets." The result of these revelations has been a deep
>>> discussion throughout the traditional media, blogosphere, and other
>>> social media about the desired limits of government power to
>>> intercept and analyze private communications. Whatever your opinion
>>> on the politics and civil liberties issues, one thing is for sure —
>>> the revelations about the PRISM program are going to change the way
>>> people look at public clouds.
>>> For further details, please read the article:
>>> http://leverhawk.com/will-prism-have-a-chilling-effect-on-cloud-computing-adoption-20130609297?goback=%2Egde_45151_member_248245337
>>> [1]
>>> Best regards
>>> Ashiq Anjum
> Links:
> ------
> [1]
> http://leverhawk.com/will-prism-have-a-chilling-effect-on-cloud-computing-adoption-20130609297?goback=.gde_45151_member_248245337
> [2] http://www.pdc.kth.se/members/zashah
> [3]
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pakgrid/join;_ylc=X3oDMTJnanRjNXRzBF9TAzk3NDc2NTkwBGdycElkAzExMjg5MTQ2BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTAwNDc2MwRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNzdG5ncwRzdGltZQMxMzcxNTU2OTE0
> [4]
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pakgrid;_ylc=X3oDMTJlazI5aGgxBF9TAzk3NDc2NTkwBGdycElkAzExMjg5MTQ2BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTAwNDc2MwRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNocGYEc3RpbWUDMTM3MTU1NjkxNA--
> [5] http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
President ISACA Islamabad Chapter
President PISA Pakistan
President Pakistan Social Association
( E-village Project )
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