Monday 19 March 2012

Re: [pakgrid] RE: National URL Filtering and Blocking System


Dear All (who support Dr. Rehman's jurisdiction to to filter internet)


The Pakistan Federal Minister for Interior Rehman Malik announced on May 13 plans to grant Police access to phone data in Pakistan, a summary of which, according to Malik, had been forwarded to the Prime Minister. 

Now don't run around and say we have to put some controls...we need this so we can ensure that 90 Million males and 90 Millions female cannot talk with each other and say 'wo walee batain'. We must centrally control the total morality of the Land of Pure...that is THE issue stopping us to reach the promised land. 

Dr. Rehman will ensure that police gets necessary warrants...


On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 9:09 AM, Asif Mufti <> wrote:

If you guys think that without the National URL Filtering System; will destroy our civilization and disentangles the fabric of our society and corrupts the youth ... consider declaring these sites as a strategic weapon and unleash them on your adversaries. 
The problem is not with the society but in these people opinion the society is weak and that is where I differ .... too judgemental. On the other hand most of the people who approves of this effort have a narrow view of its potential negative impact.

From: abu bakar <>
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 5:47 PM

Subject: RE: [pakgrid] RE: National URL Filtering and Blocking System


Dear All (Who oppose URL filtering),
Is there any movement in any part of the world which is not checked, filtered, monitored, regulated or controlled? Whether it is the movement of people across the borders; movement of words in the form of publishing of books, journals, magazines; your speeches, your actions your relations …. Everything is monitored at some stage. Those who are impressed with the West, when you go out of your home and until you come back you are converted into digital images and recorded thousands of times; whether taking a bus or an underground in the morning, having a cup of coffee at the bakery, or shopping a can of pepsi. You are not allowed `free' movement! How many of you living abroad have raised voice against it or called it against your personal freedom or free movement, or violation of `human rights'? Try asking these governments to remove these millions of CCTVs and leave these things to parents. Is there any action in any part of the world which is not subject to some law or regulations? Can you please tell us what is so sacred, holly and divine about the Internet that you don't want it to be monitored, filtered, checked or restricted; and you don't want it to be subjected to any law or regulation?
Those who think they can do anything inside their homes: can they please tell us under which religion (or moral system) or government they are allowed to do any wrong or sin or crime even in their own homes?
To those who maintain that self-restraint and parental guidance is the complete solution of the problem, I congratulate them on presenting a new theory in the field of crime and punishment (moral crimes, legal crimes, war crimes, cyber crimes …). I hope the world will listen to their novel and ingenious ideas and abolish the systems of policing and jurisprudence, and leave everything to mothers and fathers; and perhaps to grand-mothers and grand-fathers also! 
(Note: I do not at all agree with Yasir but I love his style! As a side note, he has expressed his displeasure with three societies. I would like to ask him if he can name three societies he thinks are better than these. )
Abu Bakar


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