From: Martin Jacobsson <>
Subject: PhD positions at Uppsala University: Programming of
wireless sensor networks
Uppsala University, Sweden, declares the following positions to be open
for application:
Up to three (3) PhD Positions in Computer Science or Computer Systems
at the Department of Information Technology, at the ProFuN research project.
Research directions of ProFuN span over programming language support for
sensor network programming, algorithms for verification and testing of
WSNs, formal modelling of WSNs, middleware for distributed systems of
resource-constrained nodes, execution environments and operating systems
for wireless sensor nodes, network security, application-driven
networking, etc. ProFuN welcomes applications from candidates who want
to conduct research spanning one or more of these areas.
A successful candidate should have a Master in Computer Science,
Electrical or Computer Engineering or equivalent. Furthermore, it is
desirable if the applicant has strong demonstrated background in some of
the following areas: computer and sensor networks, distributed systems
and middleware, programming languages, embedded systems and formal
methods. Good skills in oral and written English are required and it is
advisable that these are demonstrated by a diploma/master thesis written
in English. The PhD positions are for a maximum of five years and
include departmental duties at a level of at most 20% (typically teaching).
For further information and how to apply, please visit
Dr. Martin Jacobsson
Communications Research Group
Dept. of Information Technology
Uppsala University, Sweden
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